Naomi corset while walking


Naomi corset while walking
Benefits of walking go away after stopping him for a week or two weeks
The walking, one of the best sports rights exercised by the small and great, so they do not need a long time, and do not require high physical skills, does not require the use of complex electrical devices costing huge sums of money, and at the same time check to practitioners health, physical and psychological many benefits

And these benefits consultant physiological physical effort and Health Dr. «The jogging, or continuous running, earn practitioners fitness appropriate, and contribute to improving the fitness to practice other sports, and is working to reduce the number of heart rate at rest, while regular walking reduces LDL cholesterol in the body ratio (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL), and prevents lower back pain problems », and continues that walking, or running, continuing to play a major role in weight loss, It advised wishing to reduce weight and get rid of obesity, exercise walking, running strongly medium per day and an average of at least 60 minutes, noting that it contributes to the decline in arterial blood for those who suffer from high blood pressure, which leads to reduced intake of medication dose or dispensed with pressure, especially if this coincided with low body weight, and pointed out «the minimum exercise walking to the owners of high blood pressure is 150 minutes a week, and this leads to burn is equivalent to 1000 per week at least, so favored jogging or running light equivalent to 30 to 60 minutes a day, most days of the week, and to achieve this should be gradual repetition, and in intensity to achieve the desired level after several weeks from start walking 

Walking and diabetes

He adds «that walking is one of the physical preventive and curative activities of many diseases such as heart disease and atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, obesity, and reduces the risk of diabetes type II (non-insulin-dependent) and plays a role in the postponement, as well as in reducing sugar levels blood », explains that regular walking, the equivalent of 120 to 200 minutes per week, reducing the incidence of diabetes significantly, as walking and light running leads to adjust the level of sugar in the blood

commented that the health benefits for diabetics as a result of walking go away and withers away after you stop walking for a week to two weeks maximum, and here lies the importance of regularity in the walking exercise for diabetics every day to get the desired benefits. «He generally earns walking good textures and harmonious, and we can say that those who engage in this activity more energy during their day and sleep well through to inspire», he added «activates walking blood circulation to all organs of the body, improves muscle stiffness and muscular endurance, and burns almost 100 kilocalories per 1600, improves general endurance and helps the body to use oxygen economy and effectiveness

Psychologically, he says applicat «gives walking and light running time for themselves, and a sense of happiness and comfort, even after the completion of them, and are building their trust by themselves, and of psychological pressure, and contribute to raising the psychological morale and optimism, and help to bear the burdens of the day better so that it becomes their work better

Scientific grounds

And the scientific foundations for the sport right walk, physiological consultant says physical effort he must first choose the right to exercise the period of time which is early morning, and the period after the afternoon even after Morocco, explains «in the early morning hours after dawn prayers have air saturated with a large proportion of oxygen, ozone, radiation UV that helps build bones and the prevention of fragility, and that the rate of pollution in the air is less in the early morning, and the temperature is moderate ». He noted as «For people who are obese and want to lose weight, the walk in the morning is a fit for them because blood sugar is low, leading to force the body to the energy spent on body fat calculation» and added «gives a walk in the morning early and post feeling refreshed and happy, energetic era, and works to revitalize the work of the secretion of hormones that feeling of happiness , after 20 minutes of walking »and noted that« in the post-afternoon rays be above the high radiation as well as the lungs shall be in a better condition to work, according to studies period was after age body efficiency is higher for inhalation of oxygen, and the exercise helps to deep sleep at night », commented« prefer to stay away from jogging before two or three hours before bedtime directly, where walking activates physiological organs of the body (heart, lungs, muscles and joints ) gives it vitality, which delays the sleep that needs to calm 

He adds «The afternoon period shall be the highest increase in the degree of very high temperature, and then the body is susceptible to thermal strikes, and be anxiety and stress hormones (adrenaline), and  very high in the body». He said applicat «scientific studies have confirmed that the functions of the brain get better under the influence of physical and kinetic activities. Increased blood circulation activity in the brain under the influence of physical and kinetic activity increases the flow of oxygen and food for the brain cells, increasing from improved brain function cognitive such as comprehension, alertness, concentration and memory and conservation, as lead to stimulate blood circulation helps walk after eating a light meal to increase the metabolic rate, and increase the burn rate from 10% to 15%

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